Following credit authorization and verification, you will receive your order within the following average delivery times:
1-2 Day Delivery (Scandinavia)
2-3 Day Delivery (Europe)
3-5 Day Delivery (Rest of the World)
This is an estimate. This does not include weekends or holidays. You will receive a shipping notification email that will notify you of the shipping company and tracking options in real-time. We're shipping all orders from our warehouse located in Denmark.
Taxes and Duties
All applicable custom fees, taxes and duties are the sole responsibility of the customer. Custom authorities require that we state the value of your order directly on your package. It is at the sole discretion of custom agents to release your package. Note, in rare occasions custom agents may delay delivery of some packages.
Currency Conversions
All prices are by default listed on our site in Danish Kroner (DKK) and charged in Danish Kroner (DKK).
* Please note that we offer currency conversion from Danish Kroner (DKK) into US Dollars (USD), Euro (EUR), British Pounds (GBP) and Swedish Krona (SEK). The bank that has issued your credit card determines the exact exchange rate that you will pay, but in general it will match very closely with the going exchange rates.